Foi publicado durante o mês de abril o artigo “Designing and constructing internet-of-Things systems: An overview of the ecosystem” da autoria de João Pedro Dias do BUILT CoLAB (este artigo resultante do seu trabalho no âmbito do doutoramento que acaba de concluir na FEUP – Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto), em conjunto com André Restivo (LIACC – Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial e Ciência de Computadores da FEUP) e Hugo Sereno Ferreira (INESC TEC e FEUP).
Este artigo vai ser editado no volume 16 da revista “Internet of Things; Engineering Cyber Physical Human Systems” da Elsevier em Agosto de 2022.
Resumo do artigo:
«The current complexity of IoT systems and devices is a barrier to reach a healthy ecosystem, mainly due to technological fragmentation and inherent heterogeneity. Meanwhile, the field has scarcely adopted any engineering practices currently employed in other types of large-scale systems. Although many researchers and practitioners are aware of the current state of affairs and strive to address these problems, compromises have been hard to reach, making them settle for sub-optimal solutions. This paper surveys the current state of the art in designing and constructing IoT systems from the software engineering perspective, without overlooking hardware concerns, revealing current trends and research directions.»
Pode consultar informação mais completa aqui.