Article “Inovação na gestão do abastecimento de água: das nuvens de pontos ao digital twin com recurso à metodologia scan-to-bim” published in Construção Magazine

Article “Inovação na gestão do abastecimento de água: das nuvens de pontos ao digital twin com recurso à metodologia scan-to-bim” published in Construção Magazine

artigo scan-to-bim revista construcao magazine

The article “Inovação na gestão do abastecimento de água: das nuvens de pontos ao digital twin com recurso à metodologia scan-to-bim” co-authored by João Poças Martins, Luís Jacques de Sousa, Débora Pinto, Ana Catarina Rocha and Luís Sanhudo from BUILT CoLAB, and Raquel Caetano, from Águas do Douro e Paiva, was published in issue no. 121 of Construção Magazine and included in the dossier “Novas tecnologias no suporte às atividades da construção”.

The article is the result of the work being carried out by BUILT CoLAB in close collaboration with Águas do Douro e Paiva, with the aim of digitising the entity’s assets to enable the monitoring and management of its assets, supporting the optimised maintenance of critical network assets.

This edition of the magazine was co-edited by professors Humberto Varum, from FEUP, and Hugo Rodrigues, from the University of Aveiro, and its main objective was to highlight examples of the application and use of new technologies in the construction sector.

The full issue of Construção Magazine can be found here.

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