
The Collaborative Laboratory for the Built Environment of the Future.

We promote the digital and ecological transition of buildings and infrastructures, making them adaptable, intelligent, resilient and sustainable

Who We Are

BUILT CoLAB aims to develop research, innovation, and knowledge transfer activities, with a view to increasing productivity, competitiveness, and sustainable growth of the Ecosystem of the AEC sector – Architecture, Engineering, and Construction, promoting the digital and ecological transformation of buildings and infrastructures, making them adaptable, intelligent, resilient and sustainable.

The BUILT is therefore guided by its “Technology to Market” approach, raising levels of maturity from technologies to products and services.

It brings together knowledge centres, industry and end-users in a collaborative environment, promoting a common creative model that will contribute to the transformation of the built environment of the future. It will develop its operations in partnership with national and international reference networks, in order to adopt the best technological trends and practices, positioning itself as incubator and demonstrator of its maturity, with a view to reducing the risk of knowledge transfer and technology that will act as a lever for new market approaches.

The scope of BUILT CoLAB’s operation is the built environment as a whole considering the distinctive types of buildings and infrastructure, including energy transport infrastructure and the water cycle. Its R&D agenda covers the life cycle of the built environment, including architecture, design and data-driven manufacturing, promoting the digitization of the entire ecosystem based on BIM methodology and technologies that promote the use of digital twin in a factory or shipyard environment, in the management and maintenance of infrastructure and buildings, and ultimately deconstruction and recycling.

The contribution to the industrial renaissance of the future is also based on the promotion of modularization of building construction since the design phase, integration of robotization and 3D printing in factory production, ending in the development of innovative construction technologies.

BUILT CoLAB also emerges as the armed arm of cluster AEC in all that is the development of knowledge and scientific research. It, therefore, fulfils the important mission of adding knowledge for the enjoyment and valorization of the sector.

Benefiting from a vast national network of other Collaborative Laboratories, very significant possibilities for multidisciplinary initiatives are also opened up in a mission-oriented approach such as resilience, digital transition or energy transition.

Clusters for Competitiveness and Internationalization

BUILT CoLAB has an umbilical link to cluster AEC – Architecture, Engineering and Construction, and a very close connection with the Railroad Cluster, functioning as the entity that streamlines all the technological modernization efforts of these areas. Cluster AEC and Cluster Ferrovia are two of the three clusters to sign the Sectoral Compact for Competitiveness and Internationalization with the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transition in March and September 2019.

These selected clusters signed sectoral pacts that aim to mobilize civil society for a common strategy and mission, associated with networking dynamics, inducing the development of collaborative initiatives aimed at achieving common objectives. Cluster AEC is a platform that aggregates knowledge and skills and assumes a central role in industrial policy and the Portuguese economy, has been contributing in a remarkable way to the strengthening of the country’s competitiveness.

Cluster AEC bases its strategy on a mission and vision that privileges the focus on IDI and internationalization as the main drivers of the competitiveness of the architecture, engineering and construction sector at the national level, mainly seeking to foster relationships and synergies between the various actors in the sector and throughout the value chain.

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