
Rita Moura, Chairman of the Board of BUILT CoLAB, attended the 2nd National Conference on Public Procurement for Innovation and was one of the speakers on the panel that discussed the “Relevance of IPC in the context of the organization: a view of supply and demand”. In this discussion, he had the opportunity to convey...
The Awards and Closing Session of the ACA Innovation Challenge, an initiative of the ACA Group, an associate of BUILT CoLAB, took place on April 27, and João Moutinho was a member of the jury. The aim of this event was to publicize the winning ideas of the challenge and award the winners, but also...
BUILT CoLAB, represented by João Poças Martins, R&D Director, took part in the Workshop “Innovation for a more Circular Construction” coorganized by Smart Waste Portugal, the College of Environmental Engineering and the College of Civil Engineering of the Order of Engineers – Northern Region (OERN), which took place on April 20 in Porto. This session...

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