Training Action on “Good practices on the transition to circularity in construction: the importance of green procurement”.

Training Action on “Good practices on the transition to circularity in construction: the importance of green procurement”.

Date: 24 February, 2022
Local: On-line

Registrations are now open for another Training Action that BUILT CoLAB is organising in the scope of the “Circularity in Construction” initiative.

šŸ“¢ Capacity Building Action | Good practices on the transition to circularity in construction: The importance of green & innovative procurement šŸ“… Thursday, 24 February | ā°15:00 – 17:00

This Capacity Building Action will address the following topics: Innovative Green Public Purchasing criteria and the importance of their use in the transition to circularity; Dissemination of more circular practices (design, material/product production, construction, use and end of life) through the use of recycled materials and with an effective waste management (CDW) and its integration with Innovative Green Public Purchasing; Impact of Level(s) and BAMB projects, as well as of eco-design; Good practices of Portuguese companies and European cases; Principle of “not significantly harming the environment”.

Speakers: Sandra Mascarenhas e Carlos Pereira | IMPIC

Participation is free, but registration is required at šŸ‘‰ https://bit.ly/33CzqI5.

This Capacity Building Action takes place under the Circular Agreement with the Construction Industry, the Collaboration Protocol between BUILT CoLAB, the Ministry for the Environment and Climate Action and the Environmental Fund, with the participation of APA – Portuguese Environment Agency, and which also has the Confederation of Portuguese Industry (CIP) as partner entities, CPCI – Portuguese Confederation of Construction and Real Estate, AICCOPN – Association of Civil Construction and Public Works Industries, AECOPS – Association of Construction and Public Works and Services Companies, PTPC – Portuguese Technological Platform for Construction, and IMPIC – Institute for Public Markets, Real Estate and Construction, I. P..

Meet all the partners and learn more about the initiatives under this agreement at https://circularidade.builtcolab.pt/.

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