BUILT CoLAB and FI Group would like to invite you to participate in the Workshop “How decarbonisation can accelerate R&D in the AEC sector.”, the second of a cycle of workshops organised in the framework of the Roadmap for Research & Development in the AEC sector of the FoC – Future of Construction project.
📅 Wednesday 09 March | ⏰15:00 📌 Online | 📍 Registration
Agenda Welcome | Ivo Pavia – FI Group Trend Presentation | Daniela Matos – FI Group Success Stories | Paulo Fonseca and Vítor Cardoso – BUILT CoLAB, with Teresa Ferreira | IST Success Stories – António Monteiro – A400 Success Stories | Margarida Mateus – Secil Round Table | Moderator: Paulo Fonseca – BUILT CoLAB Event Closure | Ivo Pavia – FI Group
Participation is free, but registration required 👉 here.
We recall that the AEC sector is considered as one of the main drivers of the Portuguese economy, stimulating the entire production chain, thus being fundamental for the economic recovery, and crucial that it evolves in line with the main national and international trends. This workshop cycle, with a total of four sessions, focuses on specific trends in the sector – Digitalisation, Decarbonisation, Circular Economy and Modularity – with several leading Portuguese business entities as guests to present success stories.
More information at https://futureofconstruction.pt/.