Vanessa Tavares do BUILT CoLAB participou no 1º Workshop – Parte 2 “Creating a Roadmap towards Circularity in the Built Environment – State-of-the-Art”, da ação COST “CircularB – Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment”, que decorreu em Córdoba entre 12 e 14 de setembro.
The aim of this workshop was to develop the State of the Art Report on Circular Construction, a collaborative document between the various experts taking part in this action, which aims to bring together knowledge about the research that has been carried out, trends, advances and best practices in the area of circular construction.
Within the scope of this report, BUILT COLAB leads the section “3.4 Prefabrication and Modularity” and participates in the sections “3.1 Life Cycle Stages” and “5.3 Tools to assess sustainability”. Overall in the COST action, BUILT COLAB also participates in working group 4 – Dissemination and communication.