BUILT CoLAB participated in the 10th Forum of PTPC/AEC Cluster

BUILT CoLAB participated in the 10th Forum of PTPC/AEC Cluster

10º Forum PTPC

The 10th Strategic Forum of PTPC – Portuguese Technological Platform for Construction / AEC Cluster took place on December 15th, with the theme “TWIN TRANSITION in the AEC Sector – Digitalization | Digital Twin & Sustainability | Circularity”.

This event, which also marked the 10 years of PTPC, had a diverse panel that discussed the main opportunities and challenges in the AEC Sector, inherent to digitalization on a global scale. The more than 120 participants also had the opportunity to reflect on the future of the sector that reveals potential to digitalize and grow.

Paulo Vieira Fonseca and António Aguiar Costa, from BUILT CoLAB, were two of the speakers at the event. Paulo Vieira Fonseca addressed the topic “BUILT CoLAB Collaborative Laboratory: Developments in Twin Transition” and Antonio Aguiar Costa PhD PMP integrated the round table about Twin Transition in the AEC Sector.

The recording of the session is available to view or review the event here.

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