BUILT CoLAB, represented by Leonor Santos, attended the first meeting of the local action group of the URBACT “Let’s Go Circular” Project, which took place on October 27 in Lisbon.
The aim of this project is to develop a Circular Economy Action Plan by 2025 for each of the 10 European cities that make it up, including Lisbon. Following the URBACT methodology, the aim is for the lines of action to be developed to be based on collaborative participation, involving contributions from different sectors of activity and different types of institutions. For this reason, the city of Lisbon, through Lisboa E-Nova and the Municipal Directorate for Economy and Innovation, will work in partnership with all the actors considered relevant in the city’s Ecosystem to draw up the Lisbon Action Plan.
It is in this context that BUILT CoLAB took part in this event, to make its contribution with a focus on the area of Circularity in the built environment, presenting its perspective on the biggest challenges and issues to be addressed with regard to the AEC Sector.