AllAutomation & Artificial IntelligenceDigital Twin & IoT

AUTOMATION – digitAl prodUcTion OptiMizATION

The AUTOMATION project aims to create a Digital Twin and Optimization System Architecture that allows construction activities to be monitored and controlled almost in real time via a desktop application, while providing various alternatives corresponding to the optimal distribution of resources throughout all phases of a construction project.

For this reason, AUTOMATION aims to support decision-making throughout the various phases of a project, including not only the tendering, design and planning phases, in which, through historical or reference productivity values, it provides the user with various solutions regarding the best use of their resources (from budgeting to planning – including the corresponding costs and durations); but also during the construction phase, in which the constant monitoring of resources and reassessment of their allocation to tasks is extremely important from the point of view of increasing the productivity and competitiveness of companies.

This monitoring of resources during the construction phase, supported by intelligent sensing technologies, allows the system to identify variations in the productivity of construction equipment and production teams almost in real time, providing warnings when these changes affect the defined objectives. In response to these interferences, the system generates new suggestions for adjustments to the allocation of these resources, in order to continuously guarantee optimum working conditions. All these features are supported by a simple user interface that respects the best user experience practices.

dashboard automation
otimização da digitalização para a construção com a solução AUTOMATION do BUILT CoLAB

Main Activities

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