Portugal 2030 – A Strategic Framework

Portugal 2030 – A Strategic Framework

Documento Estratégia Portugal 2020

The Ministry of Planning recently published the document “Estratégia Portugal 2030” which makes the strategic framework that is intended for Portugal defining where it is to be reached. This document is inspired by the “Strategic Vision for the Economic Recovery Plan of Portugal 2020-2030″ developed by Professor António Costa Silva at the request of the Portuguese Government and which was the subject of a broad process of debate and public auscultation”.

This document is of great importance to BUILT CoLAB, as, as a collaborative laboratory, it is the document that guides our priority areas of research, particularly regarding its guidelines on digitization, innovation, and climate transition. That is why we find it useful to publish on our website and we believe it is also useful for other organizations that wish to establish a research strategy.

According to the introduction made in the document, the strategy defined ‘is aligned, in the European context, with the new Strategic Agenda of the European Union (EU) for the period 2019-2024, adopted by the European Council on 20 June 2019, complemented by the European Commission’s Recovery Plan, presented by the European Commission on 27 May 2020 and adopted by the European Council in July, which aims to prepare for the future and create growth conditions after the crisis triggered by COVID-19 disease, and in the international context, with the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, adopted at the United Nations Summit on 25 September 2015 and in force since 2016.”

“At national level, it also reflects the main lines of the National Health Service Response Improvement Plan (SNS), the Action Plan for the Digital Transition (Digital Portugal), the National Energy and Climate Plan 2030, the National Investment Plan 2030 (PNEC2030), the National Program for Spatial Planning Policy (PNPOT), the Interior Enhancement Program and the Internationalization Program2030, documents of a strategic nature that stand out for their relevance among the many that have been approved’.

The document is available for full reading here.

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