BUILT CoLAB participates in the 5th ptBIM

BUILT CoLAB participates in the 5th ptBIM

BUILT CoLAB participa no 5º ptbim

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BUILT CoLAB will be present at the 5th ptBIM – Portuguese Congress on Building Information Modelling, which will take place between 8 and 10 May at the Congress Centre of the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon.

At the event, which is a reference in the field in Portugal, Luís Sanhudo, Vítor Cardoso and Luís Jacques will present scientific papers that the BUILT CoLAB team has developed on the subject of BIM. João Poças Martins, a member of the ptBIM National Organising Committee, will also be present and will moderate various sessions.

The BUILT CoLAB presentations will take place in the following sessions:

Dia 09 | 9:00 | S5C – Contratação BIM | Sala 02.2

Luís Jacques apresenta o artigo “Previsão da conformidade de projetos de construção pública em Portugal com recurso a aprendizagem automática”, da co-autoria de Luís Jacques de Sousa, João Poças Martins, Luís Sanhudo.

Dia 09 | 14:30 | S7B – Casos de Estudo | Sala 02.1

Luís Sanhudo apresenta o artigo “BIM em infraestruturas ferroviárias: Modelação automática de túneis para monitorização e manutenção ao longo do ciclo de vida” da co-autoria de Inês Caetano, Luís Sanhudo, Débora Pinto, Yessica Barbosa, João Silva, Margarida Amândio, Hugo Patrício, Miguel Azenha, João Poças Martins.

Dia 10 | 09:40 | S9C – Sistemas de Apoio ao Projeto | Sala 02.2

Vítor Cardoso apresenta o artigo “Integração de algoritmos de otimização de corte em ambientes de modelação BIM” da co-autoria de Vítor Cardoso, Nycolas Glerean, Margarida Amândio, Luís Sanhudo, João Poças Martins.

ptBIM aims to debate the implementation of BIM in a technical and scientific manner, involving professionals and academics from the AEC sector in Portuguese-speaking countries. Over the three days of the event, there will be various plenary and parallel sessions and workshops dedicated to discussing this issue and its importance in the national and international context.

Full information about the event and the complete programme are available at https://ptbim.org/ .

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