The third interregional exchange meeting of the Circular Network for Sustainable Construction – R2CS – was held on March 13 and 14 in Ribeira Brava, Madeira. BUILT CoLAB, represented by Marco Pedroso, Head of Sustainability, was invited to attend to present PACCO – Action Plan for Circularity in Construction – in detail.
The aim of BUILT CoLAB’s participation in this event was to share information and discuss new ideas that will contribute to the development of municipal plans for the circular economy in construction that the partner organizations intend to implement locally.
The Network for Circular and Sustainable Construction – R2CS is one of the four Networks of Circular Cities selected and set up in 2021, focusing in particular on the priority theme of Urbanism and Construction and complementarily on the cross-cutting themes of Decarbonization and Public Procurement. It is in its second phase of work, which is dedicated to implementing activities at interurban and local level, with a view to co-producing Local Integrated Action Plans (PLAI).
R2CS is led by the municipal company Gaiurb Urbanismo e Habitação and has the municipalities of Mangualde, Mértola, Oliveira de Frades, Ponta Delgada, Ponte de Sor, Ribeira Brava and Valongo as partners.