Next Thursday, May 27, the closing conference of DigiPLACE, a European project that aims to develop digital platforms and common ecosystems of services to support innovation in the AEC sector and pave the way for future projects in the area of digital construction.
This conference was called “The future building blocks – How digital platforms will help deliver the EU Green Deal goals” and will cover 4 main topics: 1. A recap of the DigiPLACE project & its main outcome; 2. Putting the power of digital at work for the EU Green Deal; 3. How to fit into the RAF DigiPLACE; 4. After DigiPLACE: the EU support for the digital transition. The closure will be in charge of João Neves, secretary of state for the Portuguese.
This DigiPLACE project is the first working proposal for the digital transformation of the construction industry to receive FUNDING from the European Union through DG CONNECT. It therefore serves as a reference to the AEC sector at European level for the digitalisation and innovation projects that are being developed, such as BUILT CoLAB, or as a reference for new projects to be implemented. Since its inception it has been defining benchmarks for the EU-wide digital construction platform involving a large stakeholder community, resulting in a strategic roadmap for successful implementation.
DigiPLACE has a relevant set of partners: the consortium emerged from an unprecedented collaboration between representatives of the sector, representatives of the académia and with the support of public entities. In total the project has 19 partners from 11 countries, led by Politecnico di Milano.
For more information see the project website here.