Invest more in R&D in your company and pay less IRC with the support of BUILT CoLAB in a SIFIDE application.

Invest more in R&D in your company and pay less IRC with the support of BUILT CoLAB in a SIFIDE application.

Incentivos SIFIDE para investimento em I&D com apoio BUILT CoLAB

BUILT CoLAB aims to support national companies in their evolution towards digitization and implementation of processes that make them more efficient, competitive, and sustainable. For this, it has a team available to provide R&D services adaptable to the needs of companies, and that fall within the scope of SIFIDE – the System of Tax Incentives for Research and Business Development.

This Incentive System has as its motto “More R&D, Less IRC” and aims to increase the competitiveness of companies by supporting their research and development efforts by deducting the collection of IRC from a percentage of their R&D expenses. , as is BUILT CoLAB. In 2019, these incentives made it possible to invest €220 million in R&D.

Those who may apply for these incentives are IRC taxpayers who are, principally, engaged in an agricultural, industrial, commercial, and service activity, provided that they fulfill two conditions cumulatively: taxable profit is not determined by indirect methods and is not a debtor to the Tax Authority and Social Security.

Eligible activities are research costs – those carried out by the taxable person of IRC with a view to acquiring new scientific or technical knowledge; and development costs – those incurred by the IRC taxable person by exploiting the results of research work or other scientific or technical knowledge for the discovery or substantial improvement of raw materials, products, services or manufacturing processes.

The BUILT CoLAB team is therefore available to find the best R&D plan for each company, allowing you to apply for SIFIDE, and thereby invest in more competitive processes while optimizing your IRC payments. Contact us and learn how we can help.

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