Marco Pedroso took part in the Clean Future Bootcamp

Marco Pedroso took part in the Clean Future Bootcamp

Marco Pedroso no Bootcamp Clean Future

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Marco Pedroso, Head of Sustainability at BUILT CoLAB, was invited by StartupLisboa to attend the first day of the Clean Future Bootcamp, which took place on May 12th.

Marco Pedroso took part in one of the vertical debate panels, dedicated to the built environment, where, together with Aixa Caldera from Greeenlab and Pedro Pantaleao from Mext, he discussed various topics of relevance to the built environment of the future, under the moderation of Eduardo Silva from Lisboa E-nova.

This panel had the opportunity to debate the challenges related to sustainability and circularity in the construction sector, based on the different perspectives of the participants, addressing the following points:

– what characterizes a sustainable and circular material and its implications for building certifications, e.g. LEED and BREEAM;

– how digitalization can contribute to a more sustainable and circular built environment of the future;

– how the twin transition challenge has motivated R&D and the projects in which BUILT CoLAB has been involved in recent months;

– the need to promote a collaborative and co-creation environment in order to achieve the various national and European targets set;

– examples of existing good practices.

BUILT CoLAB hopes that the contributions shared in this session have helped to develop new ideas and different approaches (more sustainable, circular and digital) in all the entrepreneurs present.

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