Following Notice No. 01/C05-i01/2021, which calls for the expression of interest for the development of projects within the scope of the Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation, BUILT CoLAB has been developing, with the various agents of the AEC sector, “Mobilizing Agendas for Reindustrialization and Green Agendas for Business Innovation”. These are projects of great ambition and great impact that are expected to change the course of Construction in Portugal.
In fact, BUILT CoLAB is committed to the success of these initiatives, as this funding opportunity is perfectly aligned with its vectors, its mission and its innovation agenda. Thus, with this initiative, which takes place under the PRR – Recovery and Resilience Plan, we are facing another excellent opportunity for the sector to align itself with initiatives that promote effective digitalization and implementation of sustainable measures aligned with the digital and energy transition, allowing companies to achieve an increase in competitiveness and a consequent national economic strengthening.
It should be recalled that the amount allocated to this call is 930 million euros, of which 558 million euros are allocated to the Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation and 372 million euros for the Green Agendas.