Presentation session of PACCO – Action Plan for Circularity in Construction by BUILT CoLAB took place at IMPIC

Presentation session of PACCO – Action Plan for Circularity in Construction by BUILT CoLAB took place at IMPIC

Sessaõ de apresentacao do PACCO no IMPIC

The Presentation Session of PACCO – Action Plan for Circularity in Construction that BUILT CoLAB carried out under the Circular Agreement with the Construction Industry took place on 26 January at IMPIC.

This event also marked the end of the Protocol and was organised jointly with APA – Portuguese Environment Agency and IMPIC | Institute for Real Estate and Construction Public Markets, IP. It was attended by Fernando Batista (IMPIC), Paulo Ferrão (IST | PAEC review), Ricardo Gomes (AICCOPN | AECOPS | CPCI), Pedro Guedes Pinto (IMPIC), Fernando Santo (CIP), Emídio Lopes (General Secretary for the Environment) and Ana Cristina Carrola (APA), as well as an audience of over 100 people.

The PACCO, which was presented by Marco Pedroso and Vanessa Tavares of the BUILT CoLAB sustainability team, as well as the Executive Summary, the State of the Art Report and the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Guide, are available for consultation at 👉 https://circularidade.builtcolab.pt/.

At the end of this session BUILT CoLAB announced and presented the winners with the Award for Sustainability in the Built Environment.

We recall that this Circular Agreement with the Construction Industry is the Collaboration Protocol promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Action, between BUILT CoLAB and the Environmental Fund, with the participation of APA – Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente partners, the Confederação Empresarial de Portugal (CIP) the Confederação Portuguesa da Construção e do Imobiliário (CPCI), the Associação dos Industriais da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas (AICCOPN), the Associação de Empresas de Construção e Obras Públicas e Serviços (AECOPS), the Plataforma Tecnológica Portuguesa de Construção (PTPC), and the Instituto dos Mercados Públicos, do Imobiliário e da Construção, I. P. (IMPIC).

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