“Sustainability of the built environment: twin transition challenges” discussed at OERN with the support of BUILT CoLAB

“Sustainability of the built environment: twin transition challenges” discussed at OERN with the support of BUILT CoLAB

desafios da twin transition

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The technical session “Sustainability of the built environment: challenges of the twin transition” was held on March 22 at the OERN headquarters, with the participation of João Poças Martins, Marco Pedroso and Vanessa Tavares from BUILT CoLAB.

This event was organized by the College of Engineering – North, as part of the “Civil Engineers + Digital” cycle and addressed the implementation of the twin transition in a circular economy environment in the construction sector, with the aim of making the construction industry more responsible and sustainable.

To this end, the topic of implementing the twin transition in a circular economy environment in the construction sector was addressed, providing information on the principles and ideas behind the concepts of Circular Economy and Twin transition, as well as giving a general understanding of current policies in Europe and Portugal in the field of Circular Economy and analyzing the barriers and opportunities for transitioning to these business models. BUILT CoLAB also presented PACCO – Action Plan for Circularity in Construction and the 30 measures it proposes for the sector.

The session also included an extended debate with José Campos e Matos, from the University of Minho and representing the OERN, Paula Santos, from the Portuguese Architects’ Association, Luísa Magalhães, from Smart Waste Portugal, and José Carlos Lino, from buildingSMART Portugal.

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